Michael J. Lonsdale (MJL) provides multi-disciplinary building and engineering services for large commercial properties. As the company grew, its outdated brand needed revitalization to reflect its expansion and strengthen internal unity.
& Web Design
Bringing buildings to life.
The original MJL red is retained to symbolize strength, energy, passion, and power, while the new brand blue evokes calm, stability, harmony, unity, and trust. The contrast between the two colors represents the dynamic energy at the core of the brand.
The MJL initials are carefully crafted from geometric shapes, precisely manipulated to form the letterforms, reflecting a sense of structure and precision.
Comprehensive Brand Guidelines for MJL
As a large company with numerous departments, MJL required a comprehensive set of brand guidelines to maintain consistency and clarity in their communications. These guidelines were designed to help all users of the brand—whether internal teams or external partners—effectively convey the company’s message in a way that aligns with its identity, values, and objectives. By providing detailed instructions on visual and verbal elements, the guidelines ensure a unified approach across various channels, fostering a strong, cohesive brand presence.
Bringing MJL's Services to Life
The service iconography was designed to be more immersive than standard iconography sets. They needed to be more active and portray a deeper insight into what MJL could deliver through their various services.
To align them with the brand purpose, simple display animations were created, bringing each one to life.
A Fresh, Unified MJL Website
The original MJL website was outdated and in need of a complete overhaul. The new site integrates the brand more cohesively, providing users with a seamless navigation experience across the company’s divisions and services.
Robert Galt